
Restroom information map für iPhone

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 1.37
  • 4.4

  • Sicherheitsstatus


Toiletteninformationen Karte: Eine unverzichtbare Navigations-App

Restroom Information Map is a free iPhone app developed by farbeyond llc. It falls under the category of Travel & Navigation, specifically catering to those in need of finding toilets quickly and easily. This map-type navigation app allows users to search for toilets nationwide, making it a convenient tool for emergencies or urgent needs.

The app utilizes the GPS function of Google Maps to provide accurate location information and route guidance to the nearest toilets. Users can also tap on the "WC pin" on the map to access detailed information about the specified toilet, including available facilities such as washlets, multi-function toilets, ostomate powder rooms, and diaper changing tables.

One standout feature of Restroom Information Map is its ability to allow users to add and share navigation information. By tapping on the "position" mark and entering the details of a new toilet, users can contribute to the app's database and help others in need. This concept of shared information and mutual aid creates a sense of community among users.

Additionally, the app offers a convenient search function that allows users to filter toilets based on specific criteria. By tapping on the "magnifying glass" mark, users can narrow down their search to toilets that have the desired facilities, ensuring that they find exactly what they need.

It is worth noting that there is an option to hide ads within the app, but this feature requires registration and a monthly fee. Users can find more information about this option, including pricing and cancellation details, in the app's settings.

Overall, Restroom Information Map is a reliable and practical navigation app for those who find themselves in urgent need of toilet facilities. Its user-friendly interface, detailed information, and community-driven approach make it an essential tool for anyone on the go.

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Restroom information map für iPhone

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 1.37
  • 4.4

  • Sicherheitsstatus

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